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#51 18-09-2014 22:03:26

Iz: bos samac
Registrovan: 05-06-2014
Komentari: 14

Re: 2.0TDI BLB nece u niske

evo da se javim i ja po prvi puta,posto radim mnogo ,mislim previse wv vozila novije generacije ,zelim samo da ti malo pomognem da ti docaram tvoj slucaj,posto sam i ja imao jedno 7 takvih slucaja i bas se vecina njih javila na tom famoznom motoru sa dve bregaste,a taj problem je da nece da poteze u manjim obrtajima,e da bi rijesio taj problem potrebno je da skines turbinu i odneses negdje kod pravih majstora koji ce utvrditi da imas zakrivljena varijabilna pera u turbu za par stepeni.  to se desava na motorima 20pd 16v.  zbog malo vece temperature dolazi do motanja tih peraja .   samo nova peraja i dobro stelanje i ima da leti .


2 korisnika je napisalo "Hvala" za ovaj komentar: Kele, Skodamaniak

#52 18-09-2014 22:25:32

Iz: RS,Sonta,Apatin
Registrovan: 09-04-2010
Komentari: 1,373

Re: 2.0TDI BLB nece u niske

Bravo majstore.To sam mu i ja rekao,par postova iznad.
Jos da dodam da mislim da ti njegovi majstori to nisu znali resiti pa je bacio udicu na forum i eto upecao je nesto...


#53 19-09-2014 01:16:08

Iz: Podgorica
Registrovan: 10-08-2012
Komentari: 121

Re: 2.0TDI BLB nece u niske

Djoleks hvala na odgovoru. Sjutra sam dogivorio sa majstorom koji je glavni majstor u Audi servisu. Sto se kaze poslednja utjeha smile kaze da ce mi rijesiti problem. Kao prvo ce provjeriti turbinu a zatim ce probati dizne. Jer on misli da je ptoblem u njima, navodno to sto auto malo ljljka/treska nije do zamajca smile sto drugo da vam kazem. Sjutra cu vam napisati sta mi je rekao i sta sam odradio.

Djoleks hvala jos jednom wink


#54 29-09-2014 15:43:20

Iz: hrvatska vž
Registrovan: 23-10-2011
Komentari: 60

Re: 2.0TDI BLB nece u niske

je urađena turbina?da čujemo dojmove!majstori još šteluju turbinu???ništa još


#55 29-09-2014 18:23:44

Iz: Podgorica
Registrovan: 10-08-2012
Komentari: 121

Re: 2.0TDI BLB nece u niske

Brate trubinu sam skinuo. Ponio u turbo servis. Sve je opet novo stavio, nastelovao .. ono.. kao nema nista nista sve je bilo tip top.. pff i sumljivo mu je sto je turbina bas bila puno zacadjana unutra... Ja stavio na auto, uz to sam skinuo egr ventil, i kalpnu gasa neki zupcanici su se polomili unutra i klapne nisu mogle da rade kako treba, sve to napravio... ALI OPET kita oprostite na izrazu.. potpuno ista stvar, turbo rupa je tu.. kraj nema dalje... Takodje su stavljane druge dizne da probam potpuno ista stvar...

polako sam sebe ubjedjujem da to tako mora tako, ali mislim nidje veze.

Zadnja izmjena od Skodamaniak (29-09-2014 18:24:35)


#56 29-09-2014 22:55:17

Iz: Sweden
Registrovan: 17-08-2013
Komentari: 597

Re: 2.0TDI BLB nece u niske

Evo i ja da lupim nesto mozda ostanem ziv..... wink

Pitanje je u kakvom je stanju izduvni sistem neko manje zacepljenje ili slicno Moze da dovodi do gusenja mada bi se to trebalo primetit na protokomeru

Zadnja izmjena od Maybach_ (29-09-2014 23:03:42)

Sto nemas u vuglu potrazi na googlu!


#57 29-09-2014 23:04:37

Iz: Podgorica
Registrovan: 10-08-2012
Komentari: 121

Re: 2.0TDI BLB nece u niske

Nematu problema, maknut katalizator i srednji lonac smile


#58 29-09-2014 23:32:09

Iz: EU, HR, SB
Registrovan: 29-12-2008
Komentari: 1,492

Re: 2.0TDI BLB nece u niske

Uh, čitam sve ovo, imam i ja 20tdi BLB 140 KS, chipan na 170, za sada da kucnem u drvo radi odlično (malo treska na leru, 2006 god i sa 110000km), ali tako radi od kako sam ga kupio, od nekih 37000km, tako da se tješim da tako mora bit.

Ako mogu pomoč s nekim parametrima od mog, reci.

Neznam koji ti je sw, dali si probao drugi ecu ili sl.


#59 30-09-2014 00:45:03

Iz: Podgorica
Registrovan: 10-08-2012
Komentari: 121

Re: 2.0TDI BLB nece u niske

Jesam jesam fabricki je stavljen big_smile jedino da mi izvuces tvoju mapu da probam hehhe salim se big_smile salu na stranu. Jedino bi sad gledao problem u vakum iliti tandem pumpi. Meni na izlazu salje 0,6 necega a cujem da treba da pokazuje do 0,9 cak i 1... Sad dal to moze sa pravi problem. Trebao bi naci nekog sa 2.0tdi 140konja da podjemo da izmjerimo to smile pa da vidim dal ima razlike smile


#60 30-09-2014 00:50:17

Iz: EU, HR, SB
Registrovan: 29-12-2008
Komentari: 1,492

Re: 2.0TDI BLB nece u niske

jedino tako

dio po dio uspoređivati


#61 30-09-2014 01:04:48

Iz: Podgorica
Registrovan: 10-08-2012
Komentari: 121

Re: 2.0TDI BLB nece u niske

Bratko sto je najjace ja sam sve uporedjivao ali bas sve, ne znam dal je to misterija ili ne ali sam mu se zarekao da cu da ga rijesim. Ako vec majstori ne mogu ili ne umiju ja cu smile preturio sve zivo pa da sam nesto primirisao problemu, ne nista jos za sada wink


#62 30-09-2014 23:31:59

Iz: Podgorica
Registrovan: 10-08-2012
Komentari: 121

Re: 2.0TDI BLB nece u niske

nije do turba opet je stelovan, ama bas nekog pomaka bi bilo, losije ili bolje... ali identicno ko prije... znaci auto ne moze ni prvom da zaslajfuje..

trazimo dalje problem smile


#63 01-10-2014 00:05:18

Zeljko Ristic
Iz: Beograd, Grocka, Umcari
Registrovan: 09-10-2011
Komentari: 809

Re: 2.0TDI BLB nece u niske

Druze ne procitah nigde da li si mu merio pritisak tandem pumpe?


#64 01-10-2014 00:17:38

Iz: Podgorica
Registrovan: 10-08-2012
Komentari: 121

Re: 2.0TDI BLB nece u niske

E to stvarno nisam. Mjerio sam vakum na njoj onaj sto ide preko dekla dolje na ventile... tu pokazuje o.600.. e sad nista drugo nisam mjerio


#65 01-10-2014 09:29:22

Zeljko Ristic
Iz: Beograd, Grocka, Umcari
Registrovan: 09-10-2011
Komentari: 809

Re: 2.0TDI BLB nece u niske

Trebao bi izmeriti pritisak goriva! To je i vakum pumpa i pumpa za gorivo! Imas saf sa donje strane gde se kaci manometar!


#66 01-10-2014 11:02:10

Iz: Podgorica
Registrovan: 10-08-2012
Komentari: 121

Re: 2.0TDI BLB nece u niske

Koliki pritisak treba da bude i dal se mjeri pri turiranju ili na leru bez gasa?


#67 01-10-2014 12:38:34

Zeljko Ristic
Iz: Beograd, Grocka, Umcari
Registrovan: 09-10-2011
Komentari: 809

Re: 2.0TDI BLB nece u niske

Javicu ti koliki pritisak treba da ima i na koliko obrtaja!


Korisnik koji je napisao "Hvala" za ovaj komentar: Skodamaniak

#68 01-10-2014 13:07:20

Iz: Beograd
Registrovan: 18-01-2014
Komentari: 190

Re: 2.0TDI BLB nece u niske

Ovde imaš sve lepo opisano i nacrtano:


Korisnik koji je napisao "Hvala" za ovaj komentar: Skodamaniak

#69 01-10-2014 16:28:45

Iz: hrvatska vž
Registrovan: 23-10-2011
Komentari: 60

Re: 2.0TDI BLB nece u niske

gorivo nije sigurno samo je problem u zraku nema zraka guši se auto u gorivu , tandem pumpa je samo ako je vakumski dio nije dobar, pre mali pa vakumi ne ragiraju kako bi trebali, to jest kasne,auto radi tako da kad stisneš gas ako nema dosta PROTOKA ZRAKA KROZ senzor protoka,  I ODGOVARAJUČEG PRITISKA NA SENZORU TLAKA KOJU JE TURBINA STLAČILA ,PROGRAM ČE AUTOMATSKI ZATVARAT GORIVO I TAKO NAJIZMJENCE ZATO NE VUČE,A KOJI JE PROBLEM TO TREBA OTKRIT!!!!!!,IMA DOSTA MEHANIČARA NA FORUMU NEKA POMOGNU, JA SAM OBIČAN NAJOBIČNIJI ELEKTRIČAR!


#70 01-10-2014 18:50:20

Iz: Podgorica
Registrovan: 10-08-2012
Komentari: 121

Re: 2.0TDI BLB nece u niske

Ovo bi lagano moglo u sticki ili kako vec zovu te "poucne"teme big_smile

E da beton hvala na reakciji wink , bas sam sinoc o tome razmisljao. Ovaj majstor iz turbo servisa sto mi je opet radio turbinu, rekao je da je trubina bas bila zacadjana ya kratki vremenski period  i da to bas nije ok. Odmah sam provalio da pusta mnogo goriva cim je tako cadja. Ali da bude do protokomjera (da ocitava  slabo protok) opet mi cudno, jer sam probao barem tri (ispravna) potpuno istih brojeva koji se poklapaju sa ovim sa mog, medjutim nista se nije desilo. Na dijagnostici protokomjer puni bas bas dobro.


#71 01-10-2014 21:00:46

Iz: hrvatska vž
Registrovan: 23-10-2011
Komentari: 60

Re: 2.0TDI BLB nece u niske

drugo je senzor protoka  a drugo senzor tlaka poslije turbine,ja mislim da je štos u tome da u malom okretaju nema dosta zraka ,e sad  ti daš gas SENZOR TLAKA poslije turbine registrra premali tlak punjenja kod naglog gasa, to je djelić sekunde, smo mi nije jasno kao OBIČNOM  električaru , dal turbina kasni sa punjenjem?? ili jebe nešto drugo, mape?? neznam na toj liniji a4  samo na 1.9 tdi je bio prigušnik na vakum dozi, e sad dal na 2.0 ima taj prigušnik neznam, je turbina na struju ili na vakum? a niko od ovih internet majstora nije imo sličan problem ne mogu vjerovat,poz!


#72 01-10-2014 21:26:22

Registrovan: 20-04-2008
Komentari: 3,955

Re: 2.0TDI BLB nece u niske

Sticem utisak da dajes maksimum od sebe da rijesis problem, po onome sto si vec do sada uradio. Medjutim pristup tvom problemu zahtijeva jedan visi nivo iskustva i strucnosti da bi se problem rijesio. To sto pises je subjektivno tvoje vidjenje, umjesto toga mogao bi napraviti jednu test voznju pri kojoj bi snimao bitne parametra sa vcds-om u log fajl i koji bi okacio ovdje na analizu. Vjerujem da bi majstori imali mnogo bolji uvid u stanje i konkretnijih savjeta koji bi ti pomogli. Koje parametre da snimas neka ti predloze majstori ... (po meni kanali 3,8,9,10,11 ...)

; VCDS Label File
; Copyright © 2008 Ross-Tech, LLC
; Audi A4 (8E) / Audi A6 (4F)
; Component: J248 - Engine (#01) - BLB/BNA/BRE/BRF/BVF/BVG 2.0l TDI-PPD
; P/N: 03G-906-016-???
; includes measuring blocks, basis setting, coding, coding-ii,
;          adaptation and security access
; This file is part of a redirection package,
; make sure you have all of the following files.
; 03-01.LBL
; 03G-906-016-BLB.LBL  (2.0l TDI @ 136/140 HP - BLB/BNA/BRE/BRF/BVF/BVG)
; created on 30/Mar/2007 by Sebastian Stange (Sebastian@Ross-Tech.com)
; last modification on 19/Nov/2008
; requires VCDS 805.0 or newer
; measuring blocks & basic setting
001,0,Injection Quantity
001,1,Engine Speed,(G28),Specification (Idle): 810...940 RPM\nSpecification (Full Load): 2800...3200 RPM
001,2,Injection Quantity,,Specification (Idle): 3.0...9.0 mg/Str.\nSpecification (Full Load): 50.0...60.0 mg/Str.
001,3,Injection Duration,(specified),Specification (Idle): 3.0...9.0 °CF\nSpecification (Full Load): 20.0...25.0 °CF
001,4,Coolant,Temperature (G62),Range: -40.5...+135.0 °C\nSpecification (Warm): 80.0...110.0 °C
002,0,Idle Speed
002,1,Engine Speed,(G28),Specification (Idle): 810...940 RPM\nSpecification (Full Load): 2800...3200 RPM
002,2,Accel. Pedal Pos.,Sensor 1 (G79),Range: 0.0...100.0 %\nSpecification (Idle): 0.0 %\nSpecification (Full Load): 100.0 %
002,3,Operation Status,,See Label File
; xxxxxxx1 = Climate Control ON
; xxxx1xxx = Idle Switch closed
; xxx1xxxx = Kick-Down (only Automatic Transmission)
; x1xxxxxx = Idle Speed raised
002,4,Coolant,Temperature (G62),Range: -40.5...+135.0 °C\nSpecification (Warm): 80.0...110.0 °C
003,0,Exhaust Gas Recirculation (EGR)
003,1,Engine Speed,(G28),Specification (Idle): 810...940 RPM\nSpecification (Full Load): 2800...3200 RPM
003,2,Exhaust Gas,Recirculat. (spec.),Specification (Idle): 200.0...280.0 mg/Str.\nSpecification (Full Load): 750.0...1200.0 mg/Str.
003,3,Exhaust Gas,Recirculat. (actual),Specification (Idle): 180.0...300.0 mg/Str.\nSpecification (Full Load): 900.0...1200.0 mg/Str
003,4,Exhaust Gas,Recirc. Duty Cycle,Specification (Idle): 20.0...90.0 %\nSpecification (Full Load): 90.0...100.0 %
B003,0,Exhaust Gas Recirculation (EGR)
; Ignition ON, Engine ON (Idling)
; Activate Basic Setting
; Press and Hold both Brake Pedal and Gas Pedal
; Exhaust Gas Recirculation (EGR) is alternately switched on and off
; The Deviation between "EGR ON" and "EGR OFF" must at least be 100.0 mg/Str.
B003,1,Engine Speed,(G28),Specification (Idle): 810...940 RPM\nSpecification (Basic Setting): 1350...1450 RPM
B003,2,Exhaust Gas,Recirculat. (spec.)
B003,3,Exhaust Gas,Recirculat. (actual),Deviation (EGR ON/EGR OFF): min. 100.0 mg/Str.
B003,4,Exhaust Gas,Recirc. Duty Cycle
004,0,Pump-Jet Valves
004,1,Engine Speed,(G28),Specification (Idle): 810...940 RPM\nSpecification (Full Load): 2800...3200 RPM
004,2,Injection Start,(specified),Specification (Idle): 4.0 °v.OT ... 2.0 °n.OT\nSpecification (Full Load): 13.0...25.0 °v.OT
004,3,Injection Duration,(specified),Specification (Idle): 3.0...9.0 °CF\nSpecification (Full Load): 20.0...25.0 °CF
004,4,Torsion Value,,Specification: -6...+6 °CF
005,0,Start Conditions (last Engine Start)
005,1,Engine Speed,(G28),Specification (Idle): 810...940 RPM\nSpecification (Full Load): 2800...3200 RPM
005,2,Start Injection,Quantity,Specification: 7.0...19.0 mg/Str.
005,3,Start,Synchronisation,See Label File
; 000 = Basic Initialisiation
; 001 = Counter Reset
; 002 = Engine Standstill OR Malfunction
; 003 = Transition States
; 004 = Plausibility Phase
; 005 = Plausibility Phase
; 006 = Plausibility Phase
; 008 = Plausibility Phase
; 016 = Phase Determination
; 028 = Redundant Start
; 032 = Synchronisation Phase
; 033 = System Positioning
; 048 = Sequential Counter activated
; 064 = System waiting for Engine Standstill
; 128 = Dynamic Plausibility
005,4,Coolant,Temperature (G62),Range: -40.5...+135.0 °C\nSpecification (Warm): 80.0...110.0 °C
006,0,Cruise Control System (CCS)
006,1,Vehicle Speed,(actual)
006,2,Pedal Monitoring,,See Label File
; xxxxxxx1 = Brake Light Switch operated
; xxxxxx1x = Brake Pedal Switch operated
; xxxxx1xx = Clutch Pedal Switch operated
; xxxx1xxx = CCS enabled
; xxx1xxxx = ACC enabled
; xx1xxxxx = Main Switch
; 00xxxxxx = ACC/CCS Mode not active
; 10xxxxxx = Status override
; 01xxxxxx = ACC/GRA active
; 11xxxxxx = ACC blocked
006,3,Accel. Pedal Pos.,Sensor 1 (G79),Range: 0.0...100.0 %
006,4,Switch Monitoring,,See Label File
; xxxxxxx? = Stuck ON
; xxxxxx?x = Pressed OFF
; xxxxx?xx = Decelerate (-)
; xxxx?xxx = Accelerate (+)
; xxx?xxxx = Set (SET)
; xx?xxxxx = Resume (RESET)
; ?xxxxxxx = Stuck ON (Hardware)
007,1,Fuel Temperature,(G81),Specification (Cold): ca. Ambient Temperature
007,3,Intake Air,Temperature (G72),Specification (Cold): ca. Ambient Temperature
007,4,Coolant,Temperature (G62),Range: -40.5...+135.0 °C\nSpecification (Cold): ca. Ambient Temperature
008,0,Injection Quantity Limitation I (Torque Limitation)
008,1,Engine Speed,(G28),Specification (Idle): 810...940 RPM\nSpecification (Full Load): 2800...3200 RPM
008,2,Torque Request,(Driver),Specification (Idle): -5.0...0.0 Nm\nSpecification (Full Load): 350.0...410.0 Nm
008,3,Torque Limitation,,Specification (Idle): 100.0...200.0 Nm\nSpecification (Full Load): 330.0...370.0 Nm
008,4,Smoke Limitation,,Specification (Idle): 100.0...200.0 Nm\nSpecification (Full Load): 330.0...370.0 Nm
009,0,Injection Quantity Limitation II (Torque Limitation)
009,1,Engine Speed,(G28),Specification (Idle): 810...940 RPM\nSpecification (Full Load): 2800...3200 RPM
009,2,Torque Request,(Cruise Control)
009,4,Torque Restriction
010,0,Charge Pressure Control
010,1,Mass Air Flow,(actual),Specification (Idle): 180.0...300.0 mg/Str.\nSpecification (Full Load): 900.0...1200.0 mg/Str.
010,2,Atmospheric,Pressure,Specification: 900.0...1100.0 mbar
010,3,Boost Pressure,(actual),Specification (Idle): 900.0...1150.0 mbar\nSpecification (Full Load): 2000.0...2500.0 mbar
010,4,Accel. Pedal Pos.,Sensor 1 (G79),Specification (Idle): 0.0 %\nSpecification (Full Load): 100.0 %
011,0,Charge Pressure Control
011,1,Engine Speed,(G28),Specification (Idle): 810...940 RPM\nSpecification (Full Load): 2800...3200 RPM
011,2,Boost Pressure,(specified),Specification (Idle): 900.0...1150.0 mbar\nSpecification (Full Load): 2100.0...2400.0 mbar
011,3,Boost Pressure,(actual),Specification (Idle): 900.0...1150.0 mbar\nSpecification (Full Load): 2000.0...2500.0 mbar
011,4,Charge Pressure,Control Duty Cycle,Specification (Idle): 40.0...90.0 %\nSpecification (Full Load): 20.0...80.0 %
B011,0,Charge Pressure Control
; Ignition ON, Engine ON (Idling)
; Activate Basic Setting
; Press and Hold both Brake Pedal and Gas Pedal
; Charge Pressure Control is alternately switched on and off
; The Deviation between "active" and "inactive" must at least be 80.0 mbar
B011,1,Engine Speed,(G28),Specification (Idle): 810...940 RPM
B011,2,Charge Pressure,Control Status,Range: ON/OFF
B011,3,Boost Pressure,(actual),Deviation (active/inactive): min. 80.0 mbar
B011,4,Charge Pressure,Control Duty Cycle
012,0,Glow Plugs
012,1,Glow Status,,See Label File
; 00000000 = Waiting for Coolant Temperature
; 00000001 = Waiting for ECO Start Request
; 00010000 = Pre-Glow
; 01010000 = No Pre-Glow
; 10110000 = Post-Glow
; 11000000 = No Post-Glow
; 11110000 = Interim Glow
; 00110000 = Readiness Glowing
; 01110000 = Glow Start
; 10110001 = Waiting for Post-Glow
; 11010000 = No Post-Glow
; 11110001 = Waiting for Interim Glow
; 11111111 = Glowing OFF
012,2,Pre-Glow Period
012,3,Supply Voltage,(Terminal 30),Specification: 13.0...15.0 V
012,4,Coolant,Temperature (G62),Range: -40.5...+135.0 °C\nSpecification (Warm): 80.0...110.0 °C
013,0,Idle Stabilization (Injection Quantity Deviation)
013,1,Injection Quantity,Deviation Cyl. 1,Specification (Idle): -2.8...+2.8 mg/Str.
013,2,Injection Quantity,Deviation Cyl. 2,Specification (Idle): -2.8...+2.8 mg/Str.
013,3,Injection Quantity,Deviation Cyl. 3,Specification (Idle): -2.8...+2.8 mg/Str.
013,4,Injection Quantity,Deviation Cyl. 4,Specification (Idle): -2.8...+2.8 mg/Str.
015,0,Fuel Consumption
015,1,Engine Speed,(G28),Specification (Idle): 810...940 RPM\nSpecification (Full Load): 2800...3200 RPM
015,2,Engine Torque,,Specification (Idle): 25.0...60.0 Nm
015,3,Fuel Consumption
015,4,Torque Request,(Driver),Specification (Idle): -5.0...0.0 Nm
016,0,Auxiliary Heating
016,1,Generator Load,,Specification: 5.0...95.0 %
016,2,Auxiliary Heating,Shut-Off Conditions,See Label File
; xxxxxxx1 = Coolant Temparature above 80.0 °C
; xxxxxx1x = Generator Malfunction
; xxxxx1xx = Battery Voltage too Low
; xxxx1xxx = Engine Speed too Low
; xxx1xxxx = Start Delay active
; xx1xxxxx = System Malfunction [Coolant Temp. Sensor (G62) OR Intake Air Temp. Sensor (G72) FAULTY]
; 1xxxxxxx = Ambient Temperature above 5.0 °C
016,3,Heating Element,Activation,1x - Relay for Coolant Preheat. (High Output - J360) activated\nx1 - Relay for Coolant Preheat. (Low Output - J359) activated
016,4,Supply Voltage,(Terminal 30),Specification: 13.0...15.0 V
017,0,Readiness Code (EOBD)
017,1,CARB,Mode 01 DATA A,See Label File
; x---0000 = No Fault Codes stored
; 0---xxxx = MIL OFF
; 1---xxxx = MIL ON
017,2,CARB,Mode 01 DATA B,See Label File
; -xxx-xx1 = Activation Misfire Recognition OIN
; -xxx-x1x = Activation Fuel Supply System ON
; -xxx-1xx = Activation Comprehensive Components ON
; -xxx-xxx = EOBD-Test Misfire Recognition finished 
; -x0x-xxx = EOBD-Test Fuel Supply System finished
; -0xx-xxx = EOBD-Test Comprehensive Components finished
017,3,CARB,Mode 01 DATA C,See Label File
; xx1----- = Activation Oxygen/Lambda Sensor ON
; x1x----- = Activation Oxygen/Lambda Sensor Heating ON
; 1xx----- = Activation Exhaust Gas Recirculation (EGR) ON
017,4,CARB,Mode 01 DATA D,See Label File
; xx0----- = EOBD-Test Oxygen/Lambda Sensor finished
; x0x----- = EOBD-Test Oxygen/Lambda Sensor Heating finished
; 0xx----- = EOBD-Test Exhaust Gas Recirculation (EGR) finished
018,0,Injector Status
; 000 = No Faults detected
; 002 = Control while Starting
; 004 = Small Injection Quantity or Injector faulty
; 008 = Maximum Current reached
; 016 = Begin of Injection Period (BIP) out of Specification
; 032 = Samples too low
; 064 = Conversion Error
; 128 = Begin of Injection Period (BIP) not possible
018,1,Injector Status,Cylinder 1,Specification: 0 (See Label File)
018,2,Injector Status,Cylinder 2,Specification: 0 (See Label File)
018,3,Injector Status,Cylinder 3,Specification: 0 (See Label File)
018,4,Injector Status,Cylinder 4,Specification: 0 (See Label File)
020,0,Injection Quantity Limitation (from ABS)
020,1,Engine Speed,(G28),Specification (Idle): 810...940 RPM\nSpecification (Full Load): 2800...3200 RPM
020,2,Engine Torque
020,3,ASR Limitation
020,4,MSR Limitation
021,0,CAN-Databus Status (Powertrain)
021,1,Engine Electronics
021,3,Brake Electronics
021,4,Brake Electronics,(ESP)
022,0,Shut-Off Status
022,1,Shut-Off Status,Cruise Control
022,2,Switch Monitoring,Cruise Control,See Label File
; 000 = Neutral
; 001 = OFF (Switched)
; 002 = OFF (Tipped)
; 003 = SET (CCS ON)
; 004 = Tip Down
; 005 = Deceleration (-)
; 007 = Tip Up
; 008 = Acceleration (+)
022,3,Shut-Off Status,Charge Pressure,See Label File
; 001 = Cold Start
; 002 = System Malfunction
; 004 = Control Deviation
; 016 = Diagnostic Interference
022,4,Shut-Off Status,Climate Control,See Label File
; 001 = Launch Condition
; 002 = Shut-Off: Launch Condition
; 004 = Acceleration Condition
; 008 = Shut-Off: Acceleration Condition
; 016 = Shut-Off: Start Condition
; 032 = System Malfunction recognized
; 064 = Shut-Off: System Malfunction recognized
; 128 = Shut-Off: Idle Speed too Low
023,0,Injector Switch Time Deviation
023,1,Switch Time Deviat.,Cylinder 1,Specification: -150.0...+150.0 ms
023,2,Switch Time Deviat.,Cylinder 2,Specification: -150.0...+150.0 ms
023,3,Switch Time Deviat.,Cylinder 3,Specification: -150.0...+150.0 ms
023,4,Switch Time Deviat.,Cylinder 4,Specification: -150.0...+150.0 ms
025,1,Engine Speed,(G28),Specification (Idle): 810...940 RPM\nSpecification (Full Load): 2800...3200 RPM
027,0,Speed Limiter
; for Cars with Adaptive Cruise Control (ACC)
27,1,Cruise Control,Status
; 001 = freewheeling
; 002 = ON
; 003 = OFF
27,2,Adaptive Cruise,Control Status
; --X--X00 = ACC inactive 
; --X--X01 = ACC active
; --X--X10 = ACC passive
; --X--X11 = ACC Initialisation
; --X--1XX = ACC Neutral
; --1--XXX = ACC permitted
27,3,Vehicle Speed
27,4,Vehicle Speed,Limit
028,0,Accelerator Pedal Position Sensor
028,1,Accel. Pedal Pos.,Sensor 1 (G79),0 % = 0.60...0.91 V\n100 % = 3.80...4.94 V
028,2,Accel. Pedal Pos.,Sensor 2 (G185),0 % = 0.30...0.45 V\n100 % = 1.90...2.58 V
028,3,Operation Status,,See Label File
; xxxxxxx1 = Climate Control ON
; xxxx1xxx = Idle Switch closed
; xxx1xxxx = Kick-Down (only Automatic Transmission)
; x1xxxxxx = Idle Speed raised
028,4,Accel. Pedal Pos.,Sensor 1 (G79),Range: 0.0...100.0 %\nSpecification (Idle): 0.0 %\nSpecification (Full Load): 99.0...100.0 %
029,0,Temperature and Oil Level Sensor (TOG)
029,1,Oil Temperature
029,2,Oil Level
029,3,Wear Index
029,4,Soot Index
041,0,Exhaust Gas Recirculation (EGR) && Intake Manifold Flap
041,1,Position (Spec.),Intake Flap
041,2,Position (Spec.),EGR-Actuator
041,3,Position (Act.),EGR-Actuator
041,4,Exhaust Gas,Recirc. Duty Cycle
042,0,Exhaust Gas Recirculation (EGR) && Intake Manifold Flap
042,1,Offset Correction,EGR-Actuator,See Label File
; Mileage dependant Correction Value which switches with
; increasing Mileage towards 0 (per 10.000 km about 1.0 %).
: Specification (     0 km): -16.0 % with ±3.0 % Tolerance
; Specification (40.000 km): -12.0 % with ±3.0 % Tolerance
; Specification (80.000 km):  -8.0 % with ±3.0 % Tolerance
042,3,Position (Act.),Intake Flap
042,4,Position (Act.),EGR-Actuator
044,0,Intake Manifold && Cooler for Exhaust Gas Recirculation (EGR)
044,1,Engine Speed,(G28),Specification (Idle): 810...940 RPM\nSpecification (Full Load): 2800...3200 RPM
044,2,Mass Air Flow,(Actual),Specification (Idle): 180.0...300.0 mg/Hub\nSpecification (Full Load): 900.0...1200.0 mg/Hub
051,0,Engine Speed Recognition
051,1,Engine Speed
051,2,Camshaft Speed,,Specification: Engine Speed/2 = ±50 U/min
051,3,Start,Synchronisation,See Label File
; 000 = Basic Initialisiation
; 001 = Counter Reset
; 002 = Engine Standstill OR Malfunction
; 003 = Transition States
; 004 = Plausibility Phase
; 005 = Plausibility Phase
; 006 = Plausibility Phase
; 008 = Plausibility Phase
; 016 = Phase Determination
; 028 = Redundant Start
; 032 = Synchronisation Phase
; 033 = System Positioning
; 048 = Sequential Counter activated
; 064 = System waiting for Engine Standstill
; 128 = Dynamic Plausibility
051,4,Shut-Off Status,Injection Sequence
055,1,Control Module,Coding,General Malfunction Status
055,2,Control Module,Coding
055,3,Malfunction Path,EEPROM
055,4,Malfunction Path,Communication
056,1,Malfunction Path,Voltage (MIN)
056,2,Malfunction Path,Voltage (MAX)
056,3,Malfunction Path,Shut-Off Status
056,4,Reset Status
062,0,Engine Cooling (Temperatures)
062,1,Coolant Temperat.,Engine Output,Specification: min. 75.0 °C
062,3,Ambient,Temperature,Specification: -30.0...+50.0 °C
062,4,Intake Air,Temperature,Specification: 5.0...80.0 °C
063,0,Engine Cooling (Climate Control)
063,1,Refrigerant,Pressure,Specification (A/C OFF): 0.00...8.00 bar\nSpecification (A/C ON): 5.00...30.00 bar
063,2,Load Torque,,Specification (A/C OFF): 0 Nm\nSpecification (A/C ON): 2...10 Nm
063,4,Shut-Off Status,Climate Control,See Label File
; 001 = Launch Condition
; 002 = Shut-Off: Launch Condition
; 004 = Acceleration Condition
; 008 = Shut-Off: Acceleration Condition
; 016 = Shut-Off: Start Condition
; 032 = System Malfunction recognized
; 064 = Shut-Off: System Malfunction recognized
; 128 = Shut-Off: Idle Speed too Low
064,0,Engine Cooling
064,1,Coolant,Temperature (G62),Range: -40.5...+135.0 °C\nSpecification (Warm): 80.0...110.0 °C
064,3,Coolant Fan 1,Duty Cycle,Specification (Coolant Fan OFF): 8.0...9.0 %\nSpecification (Coolant Fan ON): 10.0...100.0 %
065,0,Auxiliary Heating
065,4,Shut-Off Status,Aux. Heating
080,0,Advanced Control Module Identification I
081,0,Advanced Control Module Identification II
081,1,Vehicle Ident.,Number (VIN)
082,0,Advanced Control Module Identification III
090,0,EOBD/OBD-2 Exhaust Gas Recirculation (EGR) I
090,1,Engine Speed,(G28),Specification (Idle): 810...940 RPM\nSpecification (Full Load): 2800...3200 RPM
090,2,Injection Quantity,,Specification (Idle): 3.0...9.0 mg/Str.\nSpecification (Full Load): 50.0...60.0 mg/Str.
090,3,Exhaust Gas,Recirculat. (spec.),Specification (Idle): 200.0...280.0 mg/Str.\nSpecification (Full Load): 750.0...1200.0 mg/Str.
090,4,Status,Control Deviation
091,0,EOBD/OBD-2 Exhaust Gas Recirculation (EGR) II
091,1,Positive,Control Deviation
091,2,Negative,Control Deviation
091,3,Exhaust Gas,Recirculat. (spec.),Specification (Idle): 200.0...280.0 mg/Str.\nSpecification (Full Load): 750.0...1200.0 mg/Str.
091,4,Control Deviation
093,0,EOBD pTn-Diagnose
093,1,pTn Status
093,2,pTn Ratio
093,3,Average,Mass Air Flow
093,4,Mass Air Flow,(calculated)
110,0,Starter Control I
110,1,Terminal 50,,0 = inactive\n1 = active
110,2,P/N or Interlock,Signal,0 = inactive\n1 = active
110,3,Relay 1 for,Starter Control,0 = OFF\n1 = ON
110,4,Relay 2 for,Starter Control,0 = OFF\n1 = ON
111,0,Starter Control II
; xxxxxxx1 = Relay Malfunction
; xxxxxx1x = P/N or Interlock Signal
; xxxxxxx1 = Starter Speed reached
; xxxxxx1x = Driving Speed Threshold
; xxxxx1xx = Maximum Start Time Glow depending
; xxxx1xxx = Maximum Start Time
; xxx1xxxx = Terminal 15
; xx1xxxxx = Terminal 15 Lock
; x1xxxxxx = Terminal 50 and 50-Feedback
; 1xxxxxxx = Single Track Malfunction Recognition
111,4,Supply Voltage,(Terminal 30),Specification: 13.0...15.0 V
125,0,CAN-Databus Communication (Powertrain)
125,1,Transmission,,Range: Transm. 1/Transm. 0
125,2,Brake Electronics,,(J104),Range: ABS 1/ABS 0\nSpecification: ABS 1
125,3,Instrument Cluster,(J285),Range: Instruments 1/Instruments 0\nSpecification: Instruments 1
125,4,Airbag,(J234),Wertebereich: Airbag 1/Airbag 0\nSpecification: Airbag 1
126,0,CAN-Databus Communication (Powertrain)
126,1,Climate Control,(J255),Range: A/C 1/A/C 0
127,0,CAN-Databus Communication (Powertrain)
127,4,Steering Wheel,Electronics (J527),Range: St. Wheel 1/St. Wheel 0
128,0,CAN-Databus Communication (Powertrain)
128,1,CAN-Gateway,(J533),Range: Gateway 1/Gateway 0
128,2,Battery,Management,Range: Batt.Mgmt 1/Batt.Mgmt 0
; Adaptation
A001,0,Starting Torque Calibration
A001,1,Engine Speed,(G28)
A001,2,Start Injection,Quantity
A001,4,Coolant,Temperature (G62)
A002,0,Torque Limitation
A002,1,Engine Speed,(G28)
A002,2,Torque Request,(Driver)
A002,3,Torque Limitation
A002,4,Smoke Limitation
A003,0,Generator Load Calibration
A003,1,Engine Speed,(G28)
;0.0 Nm
A003,3,Engine Torque
A003,4,Generator Load
A004,0,Servo Pump Load Calibration
A005,0,Exhaust Gas Recirculation (EGR)
A005,1,Engine Speed,(G28)
A005,2,Exhaust Gas,Recirculat. (spec.)
A005,3,Exhaust Gas,Recirculat. (actual)
A005,4,Exhaust Gas,Recirc. Duty Cycle
A006,0,Idle Speed
A006,1,Engine Speed,(G28)
A006,2,Idle Speed,(specified)
A006,3,Operation Status
A006,4,Accel. Pedal Pos.,Sensor 1 (G79)
A007,0,Maximum Speed Limiter
A007,1,Engine Speed,(G28)
A007,2,Vehcile Speed,(Limit)
A007,3,Vehcile Speed,(actual)
A007,5,Maximum Speed Limiter
A007,6,The Maximum Speed Limiter Value is a one-way downward Adjustment. Once decreased
A007,7,it cannot be increased and you're stuck with the new value.
A007,9,Do NOT alter this adaptation channel unless you are REALLY sure what you are doing.
A008,0,Coolant Temperature Calibration
A008,1,Engine Speed,(G28)
A008,2,Pre-Glow Time
A008,3,Coolant,Temperature (G62)
A008,4,Glow Status
A008,5,Coolant Temperature Calibration
A008,6,Glow Time Adjustment in Relation
A008,7,to the Coolant Temperature.
A009,0,Climate Compressor Torque Calibration
A009,1,Engine Speed,(G28)
;0.0 Nm
A009,3,Engine Torque
A009,4,Climate Control,Shut-Off Status
A012,0,Ash Mass Calibration
A012,1,Engine Speed,(G28)
A012,2,Ash Mass
A012,3,Consumption since,Regeneration
A012,4,Distance since,Regeneration
A012,5,Ash Mass,Calibration
A012,6,Once the Diesel Particle Filter has been replaced the Ash Mass Calibration has to be performed to
A012,7,make the Engine Control Unit (ECU) aware of that fact. Set this Adaptation Channel to "0" (Zero).
A012,9,When replacing the Engine Control Unit (ECU) the Ash Mass Value has to be transferred from the OLD/ORIGINAL
A012,10,Engine Control Unit (ECU). In case that is not possible anymore you have to calculate the value yourself
A012,11,like this (take the Average Consumption from the Board Computer or assume a Value of 7l/100 km.
A012,12,Ash Mass = Mileage (km) * Average Consumption (liter) * Ash Coefficient (0,004569 g / liter)
A050,0,Immobilizer (Vehicle Data learning)
A050,5,Immobilizer (Vehicle Data learning)
A050,6,Please enter the Immobilizer PIN/SKC of the Instrument Cluster (OLD PIN/SKC).
A050,7,After that the Learning Process is being initiated the new Engine Control
A050,8,Module adopts the Vehicle-Identification-Number (VIN) and Immobilizer
A050,9,Identification (IMMO-ID) of the Vehicle (from the OLD Instrument Cluster).
A050,10,Once the Adaptation is done switch the Ignition OFF for about 2 Minutes.
A091,0,Immobilizer Status
A091,5,Immobilizer Status (Read Only)
A091,6,0 = Immobilizer not matched (NEW)
A091,7,1 = Immobilizer disabled
A091,8,4 = Immobilizer matched (System OK)
; Coding
C00,Engine Control Unit (J248/J623) Coding
C01,00?xxxx: Configuration I
C02,00x?xxx: Configuration II
C03,00x0?xx: Powertrain
C04,0 = Front-Wheel-Drive (FWD)
C05,1 = All-Wheel-Drive (AWD)
C06,00x0x?x: CAN-Databus
C07,+1 = Anti-Lock Braking System (ABS)
C08,+2 = Airbags
C09,+4 = Climate Control (Climatronic)
C10,00x0xx?: Transmission
C11,2 = 6-Speed Manual Transmission
C12,8 = Multitronic (01J)
; Coding-II
L00,Engine Control Unit (J248/J623) Coding-II
L01,11463 = Cruise Control Activation
L02,16167 = Cruise Control Deactivation
; Security Access
S00,Engine Control Unit (J248/J623) Security Access
S01,Prior to adapting a new USED Engine Control Unit the
S02,Vehicle specific PIN/SKC (IMMO-Login) of the new USED
S03,Engine Control Unit has to be used to enable the adaptation.
S04,You'll find the PIN/SKC on the Key Tag of the additional
S05,Key (of the Donor Car) or you can acquire it through your
S06,responsible Distribution Center or Importer.

---> Neznanje je veliki izvor hrabrosti ! <---


#73 01-10-2014 22:10:38

Iz: hrvatska vž
Registrovan: 23-10-2011
Komentari: 60

Re: 2.0TDI BLB nece u niske

koliko ja znam to se dešava u startu , vele da dijagnostiku kačiš u  trečoj brzina i gas ,a ovo je problem kod starta ,ispravite me ako griješim,a ne vjerujem da majstori nisu kačili dijagnostiku samo za k... su kačili.  ti koji kače neznaju osnovne principe rada,ja sam prije 10 godina sa bmw 320 d u ovlašenom servisu bio samo jedanput,došao sa puknuttim crijrvo turba ali ne do kraja  NAPUKNUTIM i da vidiš filozofije a sa audi a4  prije 3 god.u ovlaštenom samo jedanput,ja mu dovezem audija sa slabom kompresijom i namjeno mu velim  da auto ne vuče u niskim okretajima i da vidiš nauke, ajoj . pa švabi su pametni oni ih na novim autima nauče samo mjenjat ulje i peludne filtere, ima frikova za elektroniku al neznaju mehaniku ,zdravi mi bili,poz


Korisnik koji je napisao "Hvala" za ovaj komentar: tomy.virje

#74 01-10-2014 22:27:40

Iz: Podgorica
Registrovan: 10-08-2012
Komentari: 121

Re: 2.0TDI BLB nece u niske

Ja sam ga vozio kod najjaceg dijagnosticara za VAG. Ali bas i to ga glas bije bas dobro. Stalno ide na neke tecaje i predavanja iz tog svijeta. On mi je prvi put rekao turbo. Ja to uze zdravo za gotovo i odradio remont truba. I opet nista posao sam ponovo kod njega, i ponovo u trecoj brzinimjerenje cuda ovo ono, sve super i opet kaze losa trubina... reko brate uradio full remont ma nije ti dobro napravio bla bla... opet sam mu ostavio turbo i kaze, turbo je namjesten u zeru sto se kaze...

brate da je do turba kad cacne on onu osovinicu (nebitno dal je mehanicki na auto ili na stolu) mora postojati pomak na bolje ili gore... ali meni je identicno nista se nedesava posle dva sata stelovanja 40x probanja i 40x identicno stanje. I nema toga koji me moze uvjerit da je turbo.. stvarno...

Zarekao sam mu se da cu ga napravit, pa sa ili bez majstora...

A on je mrtav u trvoj drugoj i trecoj.... cetvrta je ok vjerovali ili ne... e sad ja mislim da je tu vazuh.. sigurno u cetvrtoj ides brze i vise vazduha u usis i zato nije toliko trom u niskim obrtajima... a ovo na start sto kaze beton.. jeste ne grijesis... prvu kad navrtis ne moze se ni zaslajfovat.. i kad je nabodes u drugu izgubi SVE kraj, bunar... ne znam ni sam kako da nazovem dok nenavrti na tri i posle ide on bez problema...

Najgore je sto 50% majstora taj problem ne vide kao nista specijalno, kao ma ovo je supr on vuce... bla bla mazu mi oci ko da sam glup... A sto kaze beton ovo za tlak iliti pritisal... mjenjao sam cak i taj MAP na intercooleru i nista se ne desava... 3 komada sam probao... mada moza bi i bilo logicno da je to... ali eto ne vjerujem da u sva tri losa...

Vise ne znam dje da gledam problem.

Zadnja izmjena od Skodamaniak (01-10-2014 22:45:53)


#75 01-10-2014 22:38:09

Iz: hrvatska vž
Registrovan: 23-10-2011
Komentari: 60

Re: 2.0TDI BLB nece u niske

ne prijatelju maf,on mjeri protok nego senzor pritiska koliko turbina nadruka toliku količinu nafte pusti na diznu,to ti je to onaj negdje pri usisnoj ,ne kažem da je on neispravan nego o da izmjeri premali tlak u odnosu na pritisak papučice gasa , a da nije papučica gasa ??i to sam čuo , jebi ga kad nisam mehanik uber aless,das auto!


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