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#1 Re: Opel / Chevrolet / Saab dijagnostika » Corsa C 1.3 greska P1625 » 21-08-2012 16:16:09

Is someone else trying to repair it. At a first outside look it has some oxides on it. I'm waiting news about what it has inside. The guy that try and hopefully repair it told me that it will clean up with a chemical  solution that will dry it and will remove every H2O vapors if any inside it.
I'll let you know the complete story when I got news.

#2 Re: Opel / Chevrolet / Saab dijagnostika » Corsa C 1.3 greska P1625 » 15-08-2012 20:30:23

I got news: the main relay that we're taking about is working just fine. The problem is that the ECU control that relay wrong. What mean -> I have a issue with the ECU. The service engineer controlled the wiring,relays,fuses ... everything works fine. They started the car with an other ECU. Now I must repair my ECU. I'll let you know when I have done this job too ....and I'll tell you what was happend with the ECU. Thanks!

#3 Re: Opel / Chevrolet / Saab dijagnostika » Problem sa zafirom...pali-nepali » 13-08-2012 22:27:16


Same issue with P1625 here. My car can't start. We can't find what is wrong. Can yop please be so kind and let me know what was the fix for your issue that gives error P1625? It seems that the relays are working fine and voltages are correct ....What was the solution for your car?


#4 Re: Opel / Chevrolet / Saab dijagnostika » Corsa C 1.3 greska P1625 » 13-08-2012 22:08:36

Thanks! At a first view we thought it should be K26 relay. But the relay is working just fine. That why I was just curios. My car doesn't start because of that error and we can't find where is the issue. Also the voltage on that relay seems to be the same as AutoData says for my car.

If you know any other details I'll remain grateful to you!!!

#5 Re: Opel / Chevrolet / Saab dijagnostika » Corsa C 1.3 greska P1625 » 13-08-2012 09:56:22


I have the same issue and the service engineer doesn't find the issue. Can you please help me and let me know what was the fix for this error?
The same situation here...I wash the car but not the engine...just outside and after that refused to start and has the P1625 error.
The car is Corsa D, 1.3 cdti


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